Live Moderation

Moderation is dear to me. I advocated for and launched a suite of moderation tools, both algorithmic and manual, to empower creators to foster healthy communities and tailor them to their specific needs.
  • Lead designer
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Web

Managing moderators

YouTube moderators did not have access to turning on slow mode, subscriber-only mode, blocked words, or other critical tools. I advocated for launching a new trusted, moderator role across YouTube.

My contributions
  • Championed the need for a new moderator tier by coordinating with user-research to conduct UXR that shows existing moderator permissions were insufficient across the market
  • Drove alignment across the YouTube Studio, Comments, Identity, and Live teams by showcasing the need for a trusted moderator role that doesn't require sharing email
  • Led the design for the adding flow of the new moderator role and the settings panel that provides access to the tools. Collaborated with Comments to ensure alignment and consistency

Live chat with the channel owner's rules showing, asking people to be respectful and the user to agree.

Channel guidelines

This enables creators to set personalized rules to curate their community's culture, as each community has their nuances.

My contributions
  • Partnered with Comments to ensure alignment and that Live chat needs were adequately met with the proposal

Automatically held message within live chat feed..


Automod identifies potentially inappropriate messages and flags them preemptively to creators and moderators. They are then allowed to either hide or show the message accordingly.

My contributions
  • Led the design from inception to launch

Restricted participation

YouTube Live offers a suite of restricted participation modes: subscriber-only, member-only, and approved-users only (known as live commentary). Creators can specify how long someone must have been a subscriber for in order to send messages.

My contributions
  • Led the design from inception to launch for subscriber-only and approved-users modes while addressing privacy and legal requirements
  • Educated non-Live teams on how restricted modes work to ensure seamless feature integration with live chat

Inline moderation GIF of a message being removed

Inline moderation

This feature assists moderators on quickly-moving chats by allowing them to pause chat by holding a modifier on their keyboard. Doing so will also trigger larger click-targets with key moderation actions directly over the message.

My contributions
  • Proposed the feature and product requirements in collaboration with the chat eng lead
  • Led the design from inception to launch